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Среда 05 Фев

International preparatory department for foreign citizens TOGLIATTI STATE UNIVERSITY

logo_300x76If you want to study in Russia in the Russian language, if you are ready to get a good education and become a highly qualified specialist - you need preparatory faculty of Togliatti State University (TSU).

Togliatti State University is the largest state university in Togliatti, Samara region and one of the most important universities in the Volga region, which provides an opportunity to gain a comprehensive university education in the Humanities and Education, Technical and Natural sciences.

foto_300x169You will learn:

  • to listen and take notes of the lectures in Russian
  • to communicate on professionally oriented topics
  • to participate in discussions on various issues

Additionally you are provided with classes:

  • the history and culture of Russia
  • the intercultural communication
  • the basics of law and social science
  • special subjects to choose from (mathematics, physics, etc.)

The duration of the 2014-15 academic year - 9 months (from November 2014 to August 2015)

The students who complete the training will have chance to take part in the competition to be enlisted in TSU on the budgetary (free) mode and/or other higher education institutions of the region.

  • 22 academic hours (academic hour - 45 minutes) per week
  • 6 - 10 people in a group with students of different nationalities
  • Each student group has its own tutor to adapt to new living conditions and training, ensuring the participation of students in cultural, sport, social activities of the university
  • The tuition fee - 59 500 RUR /1565 USD/ 1214 EUR (per year) includes payment for the classes and learning materials, two excursions and an official invitation for visa to the Russian Federation
  • The accommodation fee - 2900 RUR / 59USD / 76 EUR (per month). The participants are provided with double rooms in a student hostel. A single room in a student hostel can be provided on participant's request (at additional cost)
  • Wi-Fi internet access across the campus and all accommodation areas is available.

The deadline for applications: the 17th of October, 2014

If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us:

+ 7 (8482) 53 92 05, +7 (8482) 54 63 99
e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript

We can arrange any special program on your (group!) requests.

Welcome to Togliatti State University!


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