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Среда 12 Мар

Екатерина Б., 22 года, Самара

katyaВыпускница 2009 г. McMaster University, Канада
Диплом Бакалавра Коммерции с Отличием (2006-2009)

Studying at McMaster University was a great experience for me. I met some of the most brilliant professors there, I met my best friends. I was exposed to Canadian life to the fullest. McMaster Degroote School of Business gave me great educational credentials for the future. I took a lot of business courses, including Marketing, Finance, Project Management and many more. I learnt a lot from my lectures, books and my professors.

I enjoyed doing team projects for most of my courses. Teamwork is very important for developing leadership and communication skills. It is amazing when you can brainstorm with 5 other people and unite those thoughts into something new. It is a great way of learning the material and of course meeting new people. During my first year at McMaster I felt a little nervous and worried. But even then I began meeting my friends n my classes, I became involved in extra curricular activities and taking part in school clubs. Our professor always guided us and it helped me a lot too. You can always go to them and they give you best advice. McMaster University is also great in preparing you for your future career. They have a special Career Development centre where you can get advice how to apply for jobs and practice for your interviews. In the senior year there are many career events where you can go for networking with business people from the big Canadian companies and, who knows, may be you can get a potential interview and job when you go there. This happened before. I am really happy that I went to McMaster University. It changed my life completely. I met the best people there and I learnt so much. I can say firmly that McMaster University prepares you for the future career and you will experience many things here.

I am also very thankful to Pavel Lyvovich and his team for helping me to study in Canada. Studying in CIC was a great step for me and it was also an introduction to Canadian life as well. If I would not have studied at CIC, I would be even more worried during my first year at University. But in any way, Pavel Lyvovich helped me and my parents a lot while I was studying in Canada. I am really thankful for that. I would say they made my educational experience very smooth and exciting.

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