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Среда 12 Мар

Сергей С., 55 лет, Самара

Embassy English, Нью-Йорк, США
Май 2018,
General English Standard,
2 недели

First of all, my thanks to the company OPTIMA STUDY for a wide choice of the centers and opportunity to study English at a very good language school Embassy English in New York.

I’ve got an impressive experience.

I lived in the English-speaking environment without any Russian-speaking people.As for the studying, I had a variety of lessons for four hours per day.Also every day we visited the Metropolitan museum, walked through the Central Park with my friends from Germany, Japan and Argentina, and had business lunches with newyorkers.

I lived in the centre of Midtown near Penn Station - at the corner of 9th Ave and 34th Street at the hotel “New Yorker”, on the 16th floor. Of course, it wasn’t a five-star hotel but conditions quite correspond to its price.

As a result of my studying, I’ve improved my language level with the help of NYC’s opportunities – I rented a citybike, watched musical Chicago, visited a concert of Billy Joel, etc.

Now I am sure that studying foreign language among native speakers is a real chance to break the language barrier.

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