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Пятница 18 Окт


International Educational Centre

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Ul. Chasovaya 6
Samara, 443086, Russia
tel.m.: +7 917 118 59 40
fax: +7 (846) 270 95 99
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Director General: Pavel Antipov


International Educational Centre OPTIMA STUDY Ltd. (Samara, Russia) has been created in 2007 by a team of professionals over 10 years in educational consultancy. We operate in the area of the Volga Federal District (14 regions of Russia) and Kazakhstan Republic. The Head Office is located in Samara – one of the most highly developed industrial cities of Russia with the population over 1 ml. people (totally in Samara Region live 3,5 ml. people). We are focusing only on educational programs, including universities, colleges, high schools, professional programs, language programs for adults and young students, internships. We consult and test students, assist them to book the programmes and we also provide them with full support in a process of visa applications, insurance, travel arrangements, etc.

We have 14 full-time and 6 part-time members of our staff including Samara (Head Office) and Branch Offices in Togliatti, Ulyanovsk and Kazan.

OPTIMA STUDY operates in partnership with regional authorities, professional associations, state and non-governmental universities and high schools.

OPTIMA STUDY is a member of Association of Russian Educational Advisors (AREA) and Samara Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI SR). OPTIMA STUDY is ICEF accredited agency.

Since 2011 we publish the Federal popular science and methodological magazine and portal "BEYOND BORDERS".

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